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18 Energizing Warrior Quotes from Ramblingsloa

Digital artwork portrait of a fighter character with radiance of inner energy colored like flames and they look powerful.

The concept here is simple, yet this Twitter account has one of the most inspirational, empowering, and encouraging timelines I’ve seen.  Ramblingsloa (@ramblingsloa) has a knack for picking out amazing quotes and pairing them with amazing images or video clips from nature.

I invite you to check out my collection of favorites from my 2019-2020 collection.  I hope this makes you stronger and powers up your week!

Empowerment for Warriors

1. Lions and lionesses are forged through battles.

2. Embrace your true, raw condition and the wisdom that arises from it when most is stripped away.

3. A storm may be a blessing in a daunting disguise.

4. Be open to unforeseen change.

5. Tackle that dream of yours.

6. Struggles and troubles can sprout inner growth.

7. Expose yourself to what’s right, true, and good; take power away from the dark thoughts’ tempting negativity.

8. Use your inner light to recharge yourself amidst the battle.

9. Be strategic with your thoughts – wield their power.

Encouraging Others

10. Give someone a reason to keep going.

11. Become another’s treasured memory.

12. You never know if an act of kindness will save that person’s life.

13. Point out the simple, beautiful things in life; bring people back to their childlike wonder.

14. Be kind as an example to others.

Why You Are Amazing

15. Let the world delight in your true self.

16. There is no else like you.

Wow, what type of bird is this!?  So colorful!

17. You are a transcendent treasure.

18. When we transform the hardened human ego into one that cares about the human family, life gets magical again.

Follow Ramblingsloa on Twitter for more inspiration for your day!